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Hi to all,

Having got my MOT and my insurance sorted, all I now need is some road tax, oh and maybe a bag of sawdust to stop the gearbox from drowning out the radio.
So I still have a way to go before I can join the carefree Bedfords on the open road.



Fri 09 Apr 2010 @ 20:26 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Mr D.S.Joyce. wrote:
oh and maybe a bag of sawdust to stop the gearbox from drowning out the radio.
I always thought it was banana skins or a pair of old tights...the last resort was sawdust


It'll be good to see you on the road Doug.

Rae & Ann


Fri 09 Apr 2010 @ 22:26 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Greg if your looking for perfection then you have the wrong van and the wrong site !! Enjoy the noise the poor mpg and everything else that go's with being a CF owner it makes you and it an individual in you own right


Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 00:24 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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100% agree with waynjac!


Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 01:38 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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I don't think they meant it the way you've taken it. To me it just means if anyone wants a quiet life then buying a CF is a mad thing to do. Good old CFs are always hiding in the background ready to bite your bum with the next problem as soon as you finish fixing the last one. Perfection is impossible with a CF - thank god for that As for leaving the web site, if you do I'll have to send 'the boys' round to your place to get you back again I hope we are one of the happiest forums around. I've been on a few forums where they do their best to keep new people out. There are a lot of members on here who go well out of their way to help others. I won't name anyone individual as that would be unfair to the others but without those members, and most of us know who they are, this site wouldn't be the site it is now. Thanks to one and all

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 11:09 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Thats a really nice comment Colin and I agree too. I've always felt very welcome on here dispite my mechanical inexperience. This thread has just come at the right time too. Just had our first camping trip - enjoyable but once again the van decided to make my life just that little more challenging. Pipe to the domestic tap split, electric hook up packed up on the campsite - plugged it in at home and it's all ok now and spark plug lead fell off on the way home! However it could of been worse as my friends exhaust fell off and she had to use her dog's lead to hook it up to get home. The guy at the campsite looked horrified with our 'crew' of dogs, children and odd sounding vans. I then had to be towed out of the mud by his tractor. I'll be honest, sometimes it seems like a lot of hard work and there is always something that needs fixing which can be at times disheartening. With the encouragement from everyone on here, I find I can keep going with her and fingers crossed for a good summer for you all.


Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 14:01 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hi Greg not been on the site today till now as I've been busy, never take anything I say to heart mate as I'm always trying to inject a bit of light banter on the site. I'm not sure if you do any meets with us but generally many of us joke around somewhat. I remember one of the first meets I went to I heard someone saying what they needed to do to finish there van and another member (Solarjohn I think), said, your van will never be finished mate, they wer'nt finished when they came out the factory !! - Wish I'd said that one


Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 18:25 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Actually I meant to address my first comment to Doug but got mixed up after reading yours below his maybe I'm unfinished somehow also

P.s In the head I mean, no comments upon other areas please !!


Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 18:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Additive not sawdust.

Hi to all,

Rae I am coming to your house to pick up some of these nylons you've suggested, ah ah, but on Monday I will buy some additive just to see if it will help.
And see if they have a U/J for my wonkie propshaft, I have drained the changed the gearbox and diff oil so its wait and see time.



Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 19:22 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Mr D.S.Joyce. wrote:

Rae I am coming to your house to pick up some of these nylons
Nylons?? Showing your age there mate, you sound like a any candy?
You're more than welcome to come round, there's always a cup of tea on the go; only problem at the moment, got traffic lights outside the house & all I can hear, when the lights are red, are people's boom boom stereos: I'd rather listen to a howling gearbox any day.

Rae & Ann


Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 22:05 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Rae, what more can I say
Not the biggest rhyme ever said, so I'll quit while I'm ahead. !!


Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 22:14 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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This is getting confusing........:?

Carl, Andy Capp, Flo..........anyone else???


Sat 10 Apr 2010 @ 23:17 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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